December 21, 2015 admin

Treasury Audit Work Shop

A&Z Management Consultants conducted a two day practical workshop on Treasury Audit.

Treasury in any organization is always considered as key in supporting the organization strategic plans by best utilizing the firm’s resources and/or having the required resources available so at no point of time the organization finds any difficulty in achieving its strategic business objectives. Treasury functions are not only supporting the organizations’ completing their strategic business plans in best possible manners but also determining the firm’s financial strategy and financial policy; advising on what assets to invest in, what kind of liabilities to take on, and measuring, monitoring, managing and reporting the risks attached with such assets and liabilities, according to the risk appetite of the organization and ensuring the shareholders values are not affected with such activities.

The course was conducted in a workshop format where participants were taken through practical examples of Treasury dealing activities including front, middle, back offices and risk management. The workshop also covered the benefits that could be achieved by both young and seasoned auditors while going through the actual live examples of transactions conducted in dealing rooms and several of them resulted in disasters to the organization when not detected on time. Exclusive guest speaker who made this workshop a successful one was Mohammad Zahid Khan, F Fin.

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